Civilian Marksmanship Program JCOC is now affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Club MEMBERS can now purchase items through their program. (read more)
ATTENTION ALL TARGET SHOOTERS Shooters are shooting at supports for target fencing and also are modifying wooden structures. Other damages to, and alterations of structures have been reported to the board of directors. Please DO NOT shoot at target supports or other inappropriate objects. Modification/alteration of wooden structures is strictly prohibited. PLEASE help keep our ranges facilities and equipment in good condition for everyone to enjoy. ANY MEMBER REPORTED AND DOCUMENTED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE ACTIONS WILL HAVE THEIR MEMBERSHIP REVOKED FOREVER. (read more)
RANGE USE BY NON-MEMBERS Non-members caught trespassing will be prosecuted. (read more)
Security Upgrades at Clubgrounds There have been numerous security upgrades at the clubgrounds including surveillance cameras and a gate restricting access to the firearm ranges. (read more)
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION-NEW or RENEWAL FOR 2025 The new membership renewal/new member application for 2025 is on this site under the "Membership" tab. Renewing members may renew online and pay with credit card or PayPal by clicking on the yellow "Membership Renewal" tab in the upper right corner of this page and follow the instructions. You MUST have your membership ID number. If you are joining as a "new" member please print and fill out the application and mail with payment. Renewing members have until January 31st, 2025 to renew. (read more)
NOTICE--RENEWAL USING PAYPAL--NOTICE If you renew using PayPal you "will receive" a Google document you "MUST" complete and return before you will receive your new membership card. The club must have the information requested on the Google document. Thank you. (read more)
ONLINE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL ONLINE "RENEWALS" are now available. Click on the button in the upper right corner to begin the renewal process. You MUST have your current membership ID number, and preferably your name as listed on last years application. When you click on the "Buy Now" button you will be directed to PayPal and you must sign in at PayPal. You may pay with PayPal or any major credit card. You will receive a receipt by email from PayPal. This will be the ONLY receipt you receive so keep it for your records. No refunds. There is a $6 transaction charge that PayPal receives. If you are a new member you MUST fill out a new application and submit it with payment by mail for processing. Your renewal will be processed within ten days and a current membership card will be mailed to you. YOUR CURRENT MEMBERSHIP NUMBER MUST BE TYPED IN CORRECTLY. Questions call me at 517-315-9339. (read more)
TRAP SHOOTING SAFETY Members using trap range for hand throwing.... (read more)
New Application for 2025 NEW APPLICATION under age 62 membership is $180 with NO work tickets, age 62 or older membership is $100 with no work tickets. Both memberships include your family, children must be under 18. (read more)